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时间:2023-11-23 15:11:54(部分内容来源于网络,不代表本站观点)

The concrete data is incorrect and uniform. When subjected to tension, the forces on each particle in the section are not uniform, and there are a small number of stress points that do not have a specified set of stress points. The stress rate first reaches the tensile strength limit, causing all plastic deformation. If there is no continuous force on the steel skeleton, cracks will appear in the center of the stress set.
When the root wall of the high-temperature fan is expanded due to the low temperature effect outside the province, but it is not released due to being restrained, the concrete structure undergoes tensile stress, and excessive tensile stress can lead to concrete cracking
Due to the reaction of high temperature fan restraint to concrete structural cracking, it is normal to simulate and synthesize medium-sized components through indoor experiments, and more research is focused on axial restraint level.
因为配筋能够掌握混凝土的裂痕展开,缩小裂痕幅度。如停阳雕刻 手套生产设备 果树反光膜 北京纯水设备 保定网站制作 止恰当的配筋,钢骨将束缚混凝土的塑性变形,从而分摊混凝土的内应力,推延裂痕的涌现,也进步了混凝土的极限拉伸。
Because reinforcement can control the unfolding of cracks in concrete and reduce the amplitude of cracks. If appropriate reinforcement is stopped, steel ribs will constrain the plastic deformation of concrete, thereby spreading the internal stress of concrete, delaying the emergence of cracks, and also improving the ultimate tensile strength of concrete.