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时间:2023-05-04 09:16:50(部分内容来源于网络,不代表本站观点)

1. Motor current of centrifugal fan is too large:
When the centrifugal fan is working, in order to better ensure that it is in all normal operating conditions, everyone must show it all the normal power supply voltage. However, there are also some factors that will cause its motor current to rise. For example, due to the strong vibration of the rolling bearing box, or when the Roots blower is turned on, the hydraulic gates of the intake and exhaust pipelines are not immediately closed, or the speed ratio of the main shaft bearing is too large, exceeding the standard value, or the input working voltage of the diagonal flow fan motor is too low, or the power supply of the motor is turned off in a single project, these difficulties can lead to an increase in the current flow of the motor, This leads to the problem of temperature rise in machine equipment.
2. The temperature of rolling bearing of centrifugal fan is too high:
For the content of this part, we can consider from four aspects, which may be because the force distance between the rolling bearing cover of the centrifugal fan and the foundation bolt connecting the base is too large or too small; The second reason is that the rolling bearing box has experienced a relatively strong vibration problem; The roller bearing of the third centrifugal fan was damaged; The fourth reason is due to insufficient wetting or the presence of a large amount of residue in it.