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时间:2023-11-28 16:03:00(部分内容来源于网络,不代表本站观点)

消防排烟风机在装置过程中装置方便,占地较离心风机少:该风机基本形式为轴流式风机和斜流式风机,可直接与风管连接或墙壁装置,装置形式可采用笔直式或水平式。 很大程度地节省了占地面积消防排烟风机依据建筑结构的不同消防排烟风机的装置位置也不同。
The fire smoke exhaust fan is convenient to install in the process of installation, and occupies less land than centrifugal fan: the basic form of the fan is axial flow fan and diagonal flow fan, which can be directly connected to the air duct or wall device, and the device form can be straight or horizontal. The fire exhaust fan greatly saves land area, and the installation position of the fire exhaust fan varies depending on the building structure.
Generally, the equipment is installed on the top floor, Mechanical floor and basement. The function is to ensure that the smoke in the escape passage is promptly discharged during a fire, ensuring that there is no smoke in the escape passage. Its action is completed together with the smoke exhaust vent. When two or more smoke and temperature detectors alarm, the signal returns to the linkage cabinet of the fire control center.
同时联动柜会自动,发动消火栓泵,喷淋泵,发动消防排烟风机,翻开排烟阀 ,封闭空调的新风机组的阀门,封闭落下消防卷帘门,发动消防声光报警及消防广播。消防高温排烟专用风机经" 国家固定救活系统和耐火构件质检中心 "检测合格,其功能到达国内水平。
At the same time, the linkage cabinet will automatically start the fire hydrant pump, spray pump, fire exhaust fan, open the smoke exhaust valve, close the valve of the fresh air unit of the air conditioning, close the fire rolling shutter door, activate the fire sound and light alarm and fire broadcast. The high-temperature smoke exhaust fan for fire protection has passed the inspection of the "National Fixed Rescue System and Refractory Component Quality Inspection Center", and its function has reached the domestic level.
耐高温功能优良:风机测验契合GBJ45-82 消防规范规范要求,建立高于该规范的企业内控保证体系能在300℃ 高温条件下连续运行60 分钟以上,100℃ 温度条件下连续20小时州苗木 保定通风管道 丝网立柱模具 尼龙输送带 保定空压机 高碑店养老院/次不损坏,广泛应用于高档民用建筑烘箱、地下车库、地道等场合。
Excellent high-temperature resistance function: The fan test meets the requirements of the GBJ45-82 fire protection code, and a corporate internal control guarantee system that is higher than this standard is established. It can operate continuously for more than 60 minutes under high temperature conditions of 300 ℃, and without damage for 20 hours per time under 100 ℃ temperature conditions. It is widely used in high-end civil building ovens, underground garages, tunnels, and other occasions.