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时间:2023-08-21 15:03:37(部分内容来源于网络,不代表本站观点)

During the repair and maintenance of the bearing part of the centrifugal fan, always check the oil supply condition of the bearing lubricating oil. If the box shows oil leakage, tighten the bolts of the end cover a little. If this is not enough, maybe we have to use new sealing packing.
(4)其他各配套设备的修理保养各配套设备包含电机、电动执行器、仪器、仪表等的修理保养详见各自的运用说明书。这些运用说明书都由各配套制造厂家提供,本制造厂将这些说明书随机装箱提供槽模具 一次性止血带 保定水处理设备 一次性止血带 保定空压机 北京真空泵给用户。
(4) The repair and maintenance of other supporting equipment, including motors, electric actuators, instruments, and meters, are detailed in their respective operating manuals. These operating instructions are provided by various supporting manufacturers, and our factory will randomly box these instructions and provide them to users.
(5) Repair and maintenance when the centrifugal fan is out of service When the fan is out of service, when the ambient temperature is lower than 5 ℃, the residual water of the equipment and pipeline should be discharged to avoid freezing the equipment and pipeline.
(6) Maintenance work for long-term parking and storage of fans A. Apply rust proof oil to the surface of bearings and other primary components to prevent rusting. B. Every half month or so, the fan rotor should be manually moved and rotated by half a turn (i.e. 180 °). Before moving, a symbol should be placed on the shaft end to make the point originally above sit lower after moving the rotor.